Advanced Content Management System
Overview: The system optionally can include one or more contact form pages. This system requires the administrator to specify a list of Persons and their email addresses which can be selected by the visitor to send an email to an individual. At no time are the actual email addresses exposed on the web site so hostile programs cannot harvest email addresses as spam targets. This page describes how to input and edit the data.
Required Styles:
id="function_name" | Used in DIV tags surrounding the Fields names (e.g, Function in the example) used to provide image (FUNCTION in this example) |
id="org_name" | used in DIV tags surrounding the Organization (School Name in the example) select list. |
id="contactOrgdiv" | used in DIV tags surrounding the Select Position drop down. |
id="name_select" | used in DIV tags which surrounding the list of names in select list, used to provide image (EMAIL TO in this example) |
id="contactdiv" | used in DIV tags which surrounds the actual select list, used by Ajax function to replace select list with the actual list. |
id="content_bit" | used in DIV tags which surrounds the content area, used to supply image to title for the area (MESSAGE: in this example) |
id="subject" | used in DIV tags which surrounds the Subject input box, used to supply image to title for the area (SUBJECT: in this example) |
id="email" | used in DIV tags which surrounds the Visitor's email address input box, used to supply the title for the area (EMAIL FROM: in this example) |
id="e_name" | used in DIV tags which surrounds the Visitor's name input box, used to supply the title for the area (YOUR NAME: in this example) |
id="captcha" | used in DIV tags which surrounds the table which holds the generated Captcha image and response box |
id="submitline" | used in the DIV tags which surround the Submit Button. |
Note the id="captcha" style is also used in all the forms.