This background is for site administrators and site designers.

Overview: Several items are needed to control the function of various parts of the system (e.g., the contents of the two types table of contents lines).  This is managed by the configuration section.  On left side at the top is a drop down.  All the required Functions are listed in this drop down and they all need to have values.

  • All Sites:
    • Top Level TOC entry (aka. TopTOC): The html template to generate the display for the primary pages within a section. Special Tag: |.link.| which is replaced by the Page Title and if the page is not the current page then it is is a link to that page. |.topOfSec.| tag is added to the 1st entry of a section's table of contents.  This is useful if a series of sections are displayed together, e.g, |.TOC:section name.|,  Used if site design requires all sections appear in a list. 
    • Sec. Level TOC entry (aka. SecTOC): This is the HTML template to generate the display for the subordinate pages.  |.link.| functions as above. You can also use the tag |.spacer:#.| to insert style='padding-left:##' in the line where ## is # times the level of the TOC.  For example is the tag is |.spacer:5.| on the 1st level below the the top level page style="padding-left:5px;" would be generated. If it was the next level down it would generate "style="padding-left:10px;".
    • Page ID if Page not Found:  This optional entry points to an existing page (usually hidden) which will be displayed along with a 404 error it page requested does not exist.
  • Sites with Events:
    • PID for Composite Calendar: Page ID which contains the tags to display details of a single day.  Usually it will have a tag for the three wide calendar (either the |.ThreeCal.| or |.ThreeCalF.| tags) which combines all other calendars on the site and a tag for the Day Details. Optionally it can contain  the |.calMonthLtr.| tag to display the Month at a Glance version of the  composite calendar.
  • Sites with Galleries:
    • The maximum width in pixels can be set.  If it is not set then the default value of 150 will be used. Note: if you change the value it will effect only new images.  Existing thumbnails will NOT be recreated with the new size.  If both the width and height of the uploaded image are smaller than the default value then they will not be re-sized. 
    • The ratio of height to width will be preserved if the image are shrunk.
  • Sites with Catalogs:
    • Category Line: the HTML template to generate each category display under the current category. See catalog tags for more details.
    • Product Line: the HTML template to generate each product display under the current category. See catalog tags for more details.
    • Payment Options: a semicolon (';') list of acceptable payment type pairs. Each pair consists of the code=public name.  See below.
      Paypal=Pay Pal;Visa=Visa;MC=Master Card;D=Discover;Amex=American Express;PO=Purchase Order;FAX=Fax
    • Need CC Aux Field: set to non-zero value if you want to force visitors to enter the Credit Card Auxiliary field when they pay.
    • Thanks Program: the secure address which is called when the visitor completes their order.  e.g.  
    • Catalog Email: the full email address from which order acknowledgements will be sent.