This section is intended for both site designers and maintainers.
Overview: The first section of the data entry part of the form is used to control the page's display order, visibility and whether it just refers to another page )Again the sample form is available here).
- At the top of this section, when viewing existing pages will either be a Confirm Delete Check Box (as in the example) or a This Page is Protected.
- If you wish to delete a non-protected page you must check this box and scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Delete button. Remember there is no undo for deletes.
- Protected pages are either in sections whose names begin with a '~' or whose display order is '1-1'. Do not modify either to enable deletion of a protected page unless you know what you are doing. To do so may break templates or other hard coded links. Maintainers, if you do delete one of these pages, you will have to have the site designer find and fix any broken links.
- The Page ID (PID) is filled in by the computer. When you first click on the Manage Pages button is will be blank. Once a page is added its PID is displayed here.
- The Title is the text which will appear in the Table of Contents (TOC) and other tags as a link to the page. Advanced users can put html into the title to make a particular entry stand out (e.g., {span style='color:white; background: red'}Important{/span} would result in an entry: Important in the TOC.
- The Section Name is a string of characters which identifies groups of pages. If it begins with a '~' then all pages within the section will be protected against deletion (but not updates). To place a page in an existing section, make sure to use the exact same spelling including case and spaces. "~", "&","." and "-" should be the only special characters used in a Section Name.
- The Display Order is made up of the two numbers (primary and secondary order) in the boxes on the next line.
- Top level pages have a secondary number of 1.
- Pages within a section with the same primary number form a family and will be displayed in the TOC if any member of the family is displayed.
- Since two pages within the same section should not have the same display order, it is a good idea to put gaps in the numbers of at least 10. Thus top level pages would have an order of 1-1, 10-1, 20-1 ... (although 1-1, 100-1, 200-1 might be even better). A similar system should be used within a family of pages (e.g., 200-1, 200-100, 200-200 ...). This makes it easier to insert pages between existing pages or re-organize pages.
- The Short Description is a string of up to 255 characters. Note: if it begins with a "~" and the page is selected for a Side Column, the link to he page will be a pop up rather than replacing the existing page. The lead "~" will always be suppressed when the text is displayed. In the |.subpage.| tag, the short description will appear after the bolded title in each row.
- Is Static Page and URL entries work together to control which a page is displayed. They are used in two ways.
- The URL need to contain a full web address (i.e., beginning with either HTTP:// or HTTPS://) that point to a web page.
- If the Is Static Page is checked, clicking on the Title in a TOC or a link to the page will cause the web server to redirect the visitor to the address in the URL. If Is Static Page is not checked the system will normally ignore the URL.
- Custom coding and a special program on our secure server (/cgi-bin/cNc/secShowPage.plx) use the URL address to redirect the processing after the program completes its operation. See Secure Content Pages for more information. The exact behavior will be documented in site specific documentation if it applies to your site.
- Hidden is checked if the page is not displayed in either TOCs or sub-page tags.
- Direct references to a hidden page will not suppress its display. Before the use of Section Names and |.TOC:sectionname.| tags this behavior was used to hide the 'Home' from the table of contents display.
- Pages used to supply content to other pages/templates should always be hidden.