This section is intended for both site designers and maintainers.
Overview: The term 'Meta' information comes from the use a meta in the various HTML tags embedded in the hidden head part of each HTML page. Originally they were used as hints to search engines to correctly index the contents of a page. They are still used that way to some extent. They contain three elements
- Meta Title: Normally this will be the text which will appear in the title bar at the top of the browser when a page is displayed. Use the |.mtitle.| tag in a template or content area to display this text. Unlike the other tags it can be used anywhere in the page
- Meta Keywords: Is a short list of words separated by commas that should describe the key elements of the page. If non-blank the |.mkeyword.| tag is replaced by the complete metakeywords="text" HTML tag. It can only be used within the HEAD section of a template
- Meta Description: Is a short paragraph (255 characters or less) describing the contents of the page. If non-blank the |.mdescription.| tag is replaced by the complete metadescription=text" HTML tag. It can only be used within the HEAD section of a template.