This section is intended for both site designers and maintainers.

Overview: This section covers how to browse to find a page.  If you have not already done so open the image to follow along by clicking here.

  • Each of the section names is in bold. Note: if you see two section names that appear identical,  there will be a small difference in how they were built, usually a space appears on one name or the other.  Section names need to be exactly the same.
  • Use the green triangle to show the pages in a section and the Red triangle to hide them.  By default the section of the page currently being edited is expanded. 
  • There 4 columns of information in one row for each page.  Left to right they are:
    • Page ID (PID) the unique computer assigned identifier for the page.
    • An EDIT button (your graphic may varry).  Clicking on this will open the page for editing on the left of the page.
    • The Page Title (body title) as a link to the page. 
      • To view the page click on this page title.
      • If you want to generate a hyper-link to the page use the alternative mouse button (normally the right one) and select Copy Link/Shortcut from the resulting pop up menu.  At this point the address is in the computer's clipboard and can be pasted in to the Link address.
    • The last column is the Display Order of the Page within its section.   If you need to place a page between existing pages, use the Display Order of the existing pages to determine what values to enter for the new page.  Similarly, use this information to change the order in which pages are displayed when you update a page.
May you enjoy peace and growth.
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