This section is intended for site designers.
Overview: The Client Configuration table contains the default templates for both the catalog and content areas. In each cases a pop-up sample template will be provided. After you open the pop-up use your browser's view source options to look at the details.
- Catalog Shell Template
- Secure Head and Secure Tail templates
- Product Display Template
- Thank You Page Template
- Order Tracking Page template
- Content Template
- Email Acknowledgement Templat
- Background
- Basic sample here shows the major components of a Catalog Template. Use the browser's view source of the page to see the tags described here in contect.
- In the HEAD section is
- |.SC_PAGETITLE.| which will be replaced by the the Category name, 'Shopping Cart' etc. depending on what part of the catalog is being displayed. Note that the same tag is used later where is will be visible to the site visitor.
- The external style sheet is called out using {LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="/cNctest/cNcsample.css" type="text/css"} the sequence of elements in the this is important for the backend to correctly isolate the style sheet file which is used to determine what Classes are available on the page.
- The Left column consists of
- Shopping Cart link |.SC_VIEWCART.| (which will appear only if there is a non-empty cart)
- The Table of Contents |.TOC.|, note: since the system is configured to show the table of contents elements as table rows it must be surrounded by a begin and end table tag.
- Next is the |.SC_SIDECATLIST.| : will show the complete list of categories in the catalog with the subordinate categories properly indented with bullets. The system inserts the needed begin and end unordered list tags since this tag will always generated an unordered list.
- Since this is demonstration page the |.SC_TCATLIST.| tag is used to display just the Top Level Categories.
- The center section is next
- It begins with the repeated |.SC_PAGETITLE.| tag followded by the |.CSDESC.| which would display the short description of the current category. This is an example of a Tag which will be empty on any but the Category Product List pages. For example, there is no current category when the shopping cart is displayed so it will be empty. Page design must allow for this. Alternatively the |.CLDESC.| would call out the long description wich would allow for the insersion of pictures.
- Below it is the |.SC_CATBODY.| followed by |.SC_CONTENT.| tag. The SC_CONTENT tag is required since this the catalog programs will put most of their output (e.g., the shopping cart) where this tag appears. The SC_CATBODY tag can appear anywhere on the page and will display the ist of categories under the current category using the Cat Line template. In the example the page would display the same if it were not present since, if there is no SC_CATBODY tag, the system puts the Category List right before the Product list.
- To the right is a select list of Categories in the catalog. Note: the template needs to provide the FORM HTML tag as well as the hidden {input type='hidden' name='client' value=''}, the {select name='catid'}, and {/select} HTML elements, The |.SC_CATOPTIONS.| tag provides the list of properly formatted OPTIONS between the select and /select HTML tags.
- In the HEAD section is
- The Catagory Line template is described in the Category section here.
- The Product Line template is introduced in the Products section and described in detail here.
Secure Head and Secure Tail Templates
- These two templates define how the secure buy program will display its pages.
- If you want full control use the buy page tags and put the entire template in the Secure Head area. Click here to see an example.
- If you want to use the default setup divide the page template in two parts. The system will put the default setup, enclosed in a table between the two parts. The result will be similar to the sample used in the above example. When you view the source look for the begin default and end default HTML comments.
- Each of the elements are built as a self contained table. The tags need to be inside the begin and end HTML form tags except for:
- |.SC_ERRORS.| which can be anywhere.
- |.SC_PAYPAL.| which must be outside of the begin and end HTML form tags.
- |.SC_SHOPCART.| which can be anywhere.
- The system knows if certain options are enabled in the site. If they are not then the corresponding tag will have no effect. If your site does not have the corresponding feature then you do not need to include the corresponding tags.
- applies only to sites which use Pay Pal as one of their payment options.
- It is replaced initially with a note that shipment information and shipping method (if there is a choice) must be chosen before you can pay with Pay Pal
- Once all the information is needed, it is replaced with a button link to PayPal's payment gateway with all the needed information needed to complete the payment.
- |.SC_JOIN.| and |.SC_SIGNIN.|
- Require a special "Visitor's" table be installed.
- |.SC_JOIN.| is replaced request for returning visitor's to log in unless a special cookie is detected from the visitor's computer and an auto login succeeds.
- |.SC_SIGNIN.| is replaced by a note on how to activate the auto log in on the next visit, if a successful log in did not occur.
- Note: the system attempts to set a special cookie on the visitor's machine if they sign in.
- If it finds a cookie it will retrieve all the information except the credit card number. This is basic protection mechanism.
- If |.TOC:sectionname.| is used, the links are absolute back to the unsecured site.
- If you use graphics consult the technical support for the correct path back to the files. For PWDA's the paths will begin with "/cNcwork/PWDAcode/" which should point to secure/cNc under your ftp log in.
- This optional template is used to provide a custom display for individual products or product families.
- It must be located in the site's Document Root Directory and be called either product.tpm or product.tpl. If neither file is present the Catalog Shell template is used.
- Category related tags are suppressed (a product could be under more than one category).
- Product tags outside of the |.SC_CONTENT.| tag refer to either the parent product or stand alone product as applicable. These tags can appear anywhere in the template and site specific product fields are possible. This means that the site designer can, for instance, use a tag which will contain different style sheet names and have the style sheet changed on a product by product basis.
- This optional template is used in conjunction with thanks.plx and is called either thanks.tpm or thanks.tpl. It must be located in the site's document root directory. If missing a plain page is generated with a link back to the site's home page. Click here to see the default template.
- The same rules for graphics as for Secure Head/Tail templates apply.
- The following special tags are used:
- |.pContent:#.| tag is supported with its usual meaning. Not present in the default template.
- |.OrderCode.| special code, based on the visitor's order number which they will enter to track their order.
- |.OEmail.| Email of person doing order.
- |.OrderDate.| date of order
- |.OIPOC.| Billing Name
- |.SIPOC.| Shipping Name
- |.BillingAddress.|, |.ShippingAddress.| billing and shipping addresses respectively.
- |.OOID.| order ID.
- |.ShipMethod.| shipping method. Note: if site does not have a separate shipping table this will always read 'by table'. since a simple table look up is used.
- |.OIShipCost.| shipping cost. 0.00 is displayed if there is no shipping cost.
- |.OITotal.| order's total cost
- |.SITotSum.| is table summarizing orders with itemized cost break down
- table's class: 'normal'
- column title row class: 'h3'
- row class: 'orderrow'
- summary section (e.g., Shipping Cost row) class 'ordersummary'
- This optional tempalte is used in conjunction with trackOrder.plx and is called 'trackOrder.tmp' and needs to be in the site's document root directory. Click here to see the default template.
- Examine the imbedded style sheet which has the classes needed to properly display the order results.
- Note that the |.Question.| and |.Status.| appear on the same line. Until successful log in, no status will be reported. Once log in occurs the log in question will not be needed.
- When you view the source you will see the |.Message.| tag which is where the instructions and comments appear.
- It is called from the site so normal site absolute references (e.g., HTML image tags begin with a lead '/')
- The following tags are available:
- |.scContent:#.|. Note: these tags are applied to the template before any other tags are processed so they can contain any of the other tags.
- |.SplitShipmentNote:#.| if the system determines that a partial shipment occurred then this text will be displayed. # is a content page ID number which contains the text.
- |.Status.| will contain a table with the status of the order including the individual items. It is blank until the Order Tracking Number and Email address have been entered successfully.
- |.Question.| is a table which asks for the visitor's Order Tracking Code and Email address and is displayed initially.
- |.Message.| displays error messages and sign in instructions.
- The default template for all content pages is stored here. The style sheet it references is also used for any pages which have the |.popup.| tag.
- Additional Content Templates can be stored in the document root directory of the site. These templates should have the extension '.tpl' and should not have names which begin with thanks.tpl, thanks.tpm, trackOrder.tpm, product.tpm or product.tpl (these are the catalog templates mentioned above) even if the site does not have a catalog section.
- The content page template can contain the following tags:
- |.pContent:#.| replaced by the contents of content page whose Page ID matches # content may contain other |.pContent:#.| tags
- |.fetch.| replaced by the contents of #.txt in docuent root (where # is the current page's Page ID.
- |.popup.| flag to indicate that the page is to be generated w/o use of a real template. The page instead is generated with a Close button at the top.
- |.fcontent:#.| specially configured sites can use the content to the related foreign site whose Page ID matches #
- For catalog enabled sites these tags are available (their function is the same as if they appeared on a catalog page:
- |.SC_SEARCHTAG.|, |.SC_VIEWCART.|, |.SC_SHOPCART.|, |.SC_SIDECATLIST.|, |.SC_OPTIONS.|, |.SC_TCATLIST.|, and |.SC_TOP2CAT.| .In addition the |.catalog.| tag is available, it generates the word "Catalog" as a link to the page which displays a list of all of the categories.
- |.content.| the main content area of the page.
- |.sdesc.| page short description.
- |.gallery:LLLLLL:#:#.| Genearate a gallery using the tumbnails found in LLLLLL media directory using a table up to # columns by # rows.
- |.galleryPages.| If the above gallery will not hold all the thumbnails, then this contains, inside a {div id="galPages"} ...{/div}, links to the other gallery pages. Thumbnails are links to the full size images in a separate window.
- |.columnHere.| {obsolete/deprecated} Genearates a table each row of which is the pages referenced in Side Column section. Begins with the Column Title as entered for the current page. See the Page Content section for more information. A specific template using pContent tags gives better control.
- |.TOC.| Table of contents for the pages in the current content section.
- |.TOC:LLLLLL.| Table of contents for section LLLLLL.
- |.btitle.| body title (remember the content pages can have different titles for the HTML head and body sections). This is the title for the body section.
- |.mtitle.| normally this is the title for head head section of the page.\
- |.section.| the name of the current section
- |.subpage.| Used on a top level pages (i.e., second box of display order is '1') to display a list of the subordinate pages as a table with links to the subordinate pages. Format is one table row per page with the body title a bold link to the actual page followed by the page's short description.
- |.mkeywords.| if the page contains meta keyword data then a proper META KEYWORDS HTML tag is generated. If there is no meta keyword data the tag is suppressed.
- |.mdescription.|if the page contains meta description data then a proper META DESCRIPTION HTML tag is generated. If there is no meta description data the tag is suppressed.
- |.Year.| replaced by the current four digit year. Useful to keep copyright notices current on a page.
- |.capimage.| generates a proper Capacha image, input box, instructions and hidden hash. for used in pages which call
Email Acknowledgement Template (opt):
- Optional template which is sent out to acknowldgement template email to the email address the visitor has provided as part of the buy process.
- The default template is
To: |.PayerFirstName.| |.PayerLastName.|<|.BuyerEmail.|>
Subject: |.SellerDomain.| Order Confirmation
Thank you for order # |.OrderID.|.
|.GrandTotal.| is Total Cost
Thank you.
The staff at - Available tags:
- |.ItemTotal.|: cost before shipping and handling.
- |.OrderCode.|: slightly scrambled code which contains Order Number imbedded in it.
- |.OrderDetails.|: lines representing items ordered in format similar to that of the shopping cart lines.
- |.ccmsg.|: message passed back from online charge routine.
- Each content page, category and product is assigned by the computer a unique number (PID, CatID and PRID repectively).
- As was describe earlier you can reference the contents of a page or link to a product or category directly. It is up to the site maintainer to ensure that pages, products and categories so referenced are not removed unless the references to them are first removed.
- In the case of page sections which begin with '~' are automatically protected from erasure as are pages whose display order is "1-1" However, a site maintainer can, with effort move edit either the display order or section name so as to make the page "un-protected"
- Pages, Categories or Products directly referenced will display even if 'hidden'
- Content pages are organized into sections. From the system's perspective, a section is just a group of letters. To place a page in a section with other pages you must exactly match the spelling of the section.
- Each template should contain a reference to an external style sheet which will control how the page is displayed. The fancy editor will look for a style sheet with a similar name but ending in "_mirror.css" instead of ".css". This special style sheet can be used to adjust the display of the content sections so that they better display in the editor (e.g., black page background with white text will not show up correctly in the editor since it forces a white background).